Teaching Techniques and Methodology Full Explanation

This course will cover a comprehensive area of topics related to Teaching Techniques and Methodology. This course is crucial for passing teaching exams as well as competitive and university exams including those for a Bachelor of Education and a Master of Education.

In the whole spectrum of educational activities, the teacher holds the position of greatest importance.

He or she has an influence on people’s economic and personal prospects.

The Availability of good, educated, and trained teachers, poses the greatest challenge to policymakers and planners of education.

A competent teacher cannot be a knowledge judge for the acquisition of understanding in students.

Additionally, as a teacher, he is entirely responsible for developing the habit of learning behavior and attitudes in order to uncover students’ hidden potential and help them develop into stronger, more advanced and more powerful people.

Every person has unique qualities that make them unique, just as every teacher is unique when they enter a classroom to teach students.

They, therefore, have their own techniques and approaches, and they use various methods and strategies depending on how they want to teach their students.

The fundamental goal of teaching is to produce the desired changes in the learner’s attitude and behavior.

The type of task, the learning objectives, the learner’s abilities, and the entering behavior of the student all have a role in the manner of teaching adopted.

We will cover teaching methods, teaching approaches, and teaching strategies in this topic.

Teching Techniques and Methodology FPSC |CTET|PPSC|Pedagogy

Teaching Approach's

  • It is a set of principles, convictions, or concepts regarding the nature of learning that is applied in the classroom.
  • An approach is a strategy for dealing with something.
  • This is how we personally think.
  • The process of approaching a road or path. One’s attitude toward teaching refers to one’s beliefs about teaching, which serve as the foundation for teaching actions.
  • One point of view on teaching.
Teacher-Centered Methods | Learner-Centered Methods

Teacher Centered Method or Approach

  • The instructor holds a key place in this strategy since they are seen as an authority or an expert.
  • It places the teacher in the main teaching position, with the student in a passive role.
  • Only the student will comprehend what the teacher is saying and follow it.
Teacher-Centered Method or Approach

Now that we have a diagram of the teaching-centered approach, we can better understand it. As you can see, the teacher is only providing guidance; the pupils don’t offer any feedback.

The teacher has complete control because the pupils are silently listening to him as he speaks to them about an important topic, which is why this approach is known as a teacher-centered approach.

Advantages of Teacher-Centered Approach:

  • When teachers are at the core of learning, the classroom stays disciplined.
  • The class is silent, and the teacher maintains complete control over all of the activities.
  • You don’t have to be concerned that pupils will miss an important topic because you control all classroom activities.

Disadvantages of the Teacher-Centered Approach

  • Student communication skills may weaken when they work alone because they don’t learn to collaborate with other students.
  • Students may find teacher-centered instruction uninteresting and be more likely to forget important information.
  • Students cannot express themselves, ask questions, or take charge of their own learning when instruction is teacher-centered.

Learn Centered Approach or method

The teacher just acts as a facilitator or a guide in this approach; they don’t play a major role. In this method, the students play the main role, meaning those who are learning do so. The learners are learning together in this scenario.

  • Here, we place the responsibility of learning on the shoulders of the learners.
  • In this approach, the student will conduct his or her own research and make all discoveries.

For example, if a teacher informs a pupil, “You should complete this task yourself. If you need any help or guidance while completing this task, please let me know, and I will help you.”

That indicates that the teacher is present and that the student is working directly on the assigned task.

In a learner-centered approach, the teacher or instructor simultaneously acts as a teacher and a student.

In this approach, the teacher is not in authority or a dictator.

Learner-Centered Approach With Example

According to how we understand the diagram below, a teacher is surrounded by all of his students, and they are all working together to complete the task. It indicates that information will be shared on both sides.

Additionally, students can finish their tasks by consulting one another, and the teacher just acts as a supporter or helper; this is why the approach is known as the learning centered approach.

Advantages of Leaner-Centered Approach

  • Through teamwork, students acquire crucial communicative and collaborative qualities.
  • Students have the ability to guide their own learning, ask inquiries, and carry out tasks on their own.
  • When learning activities allow for group interaction and active participation, students are more engaged.

Disadvantages of the Leaner-Centered Approach

  • Classrooms may frequently be chaotic or noisy because of the discussion of students.
  • When students are working on the same projects at different stages, it can be challenging for teachers to try to oversee all of the students’ activities at once.
  • Some pupils may miss crucial information since the teacher doesn’t always instruct everyone at once.
  • Group projects can be challenging for some students who prefer to work independently.


With this method, there will be less teacher discussion and more student talk in an interactive classroom. The chance for interaction between students and teachers is provided for them.


By relating what they are taught to their earlier experiences, the students are expected to develop knowledge and meaning for what they are taught.

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