Discussion Method of Teaching | Types of Discussion Method

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By separating discuss from the discussion, we are able to read and comprehend its meaning. The Latin verb discutere,” which meant to shake things or knowledge and hit again, is the root of the English word “discuss.” Communicate with one another and exchange knowledge, just as students do with their teachers and fellow pupils.

Therefore, the term “discussion” refers to comprehensively examining a topic in order to draw a conclusion. A discussion occurs when two or more people gather to talk about a particular topic.

The discussion method has a variety of fundamentals. For example, a teacher might lead a discussion to introduce a new concept or object, or it might be necessary to comment on and critique a topic. However, in all scenarios, the teacher should adopt a responsible attitude toward his role and educational goals.

These procedures provide the discussion method with a place to start.

Organizing the discussion method with regular planning makes it effective.

The purpose of the discussion is for students to share their opinions while working together to discover the truth. As a consequence, it develops imaginative thinking and a sense of acceptance for others who they may disagree with.


“The Discussion Method of Teaching” is also characterized as a positive process that involves the student’s ability to listen, observe, read, thinking, and talks, Respond, express, react”.

“The Teacher and the Student participate in a group activity called the Discussion Method of Teaching to define the problem and look for a solution”.


The discussion method of instruction is utilized in different subjects and topics.

For example:

A teacher can discuss this subject with the class if we wish to explain the comparison between student and teacher-centered curricula.

Objectives of Discussion Method

Discussion-based instruction allows for both agreement and disagreement, and it is built on democratic principles.

Since the teaching method is entirely discussion-based, if a student provides the right answer, he or she can share it with the teacher if the teacher makes a mistake in the classroom.

The discussion method of instruction is used to teach specific subjects and to enhance lectures, observations, site visits, and case studies.

  1. Adds to a lecture.
  2. Facilitates the sharing of collective experiences and ideas.
  3. Clarification of concepts and information.
  4. Aids in knowledge exchange and enhancement.
  5. Makes the students more interested.
  6. Make sure everyone participates as much as possible.
  7. The chance for critique and review is given to the students.

Types Of Discussion Method Of Teaching

The following two categories can be used to classify discussion methods:

  1. Small Group Discussion
  2. Large Group Discussion
Types of Discussion Method of Teaching

Small Group Discussion Method Of Teaching

For people to be actively involved, a small group of twenty or fewer members meets for a small meeting or as the foundation for a bigger gathering. This group offers a variety of chances for meaningful interaction and innovative discussion.

Small-group discussions are preferable for in-class discussions; the number of group members depends on the time allotted, the sensitivity of the topic, and how complex it is.

Role Play:

Role Play

A specific group of students participates in a role-play discussion in which they are assigned various assignments and pretend to be other students in order to solve the difficulties.

They can cooperate with one another in this and act out scenarios while observing the issues.

Participatory Learning Approach:

Participatory Learning Approach

Through being assigned an activity that the entire group of students can complete together, the kids in this situation become deeply bonded with one another.

For example, a teacher assigned a group in his class the duty of planting a plant.

All of the pupils in the group can take part in this activity to take care of it.

Large Group Discussion Method of Teaching

Large Group discussion method of Teaching  Categories includes:

Formal Group Discussion

Formal Group Discussion Method of teaching

In discussions of this environment:

  • The class is broken up into smaller groups.
  • Each group is assigned a topic to discuss.
  • Each group chooses its own leaders and assigns tasks to each member.
  • Groups of students take part in the conversation.

Seminar Discussion

Seminar Discussion

“A seminar is a discussion led by a respected resource person and built around knowledge delivered by specialists for the benefit of the participants”.


“It is a method that works well as a tool for educating an audience discussion. The process resembles a traditional lecture format”.

Panel Discussion Method

A panel discussion often has four to eight members, all of whom are knowledgeable individuals who discuss certain topics.

We may use the Punjab Public Service Commission as an example. If we go in for an interview, there will be a panel of four to five people with whom we will communicate.

Another example of this can be that the talk shows on the news channel also consist of a panel discussion in which four to eight people sit together and discuss political and non-political topics.

Preparation and Conduct of Discussion Method

There are three stages for preparing and conducting the discussion method:

  1. Orientation
  2. Engagement
  3. Debrief


  1. Give the topic for the discussion.
  2. Clearly state what the question is.
  3. Describe the discussion preparation requirements for students.
  4. Describe the procedure for the discussion.
  5. Students should be encouraged to think.


  1. Creating a better learning environment in the classroom allows all of the teachers and students to carry on the teaching and learning process in a comfortable setting.
  2. Ask a focused question to keep the discussion on the topic.
  3. Start off by having the pupils define the terms.
  4. When a student is working on an assignment, if the student needs assistance at any point, the teacher should talk with the student right away and work toward a solution.
  5. A good teacher will know when to move on from a subject and when to wait for a response from the students.
  6. Reorient the discussion.
  7. Keep a record of your progress.
  8. Concluding the debate with a summary or assessment.
  9. Concluding the debate with a summary or assessment.


  1. The teacher should allow the student’s time to make notes during discussions between the students and or in class when it is necessary to do so. The retention of handwritten notes is improved.
  2. Encourage the reflection of the students on their lessons.

Importance of discussion Method of Teaching

The value of the discussion method cannot be underestimated, therefore let’s talk about it in more detail now:

Expressing thoughts or opinions:

People engage with one another most of the time in some way. They participate in debate, which is the exchanging of ideas or viewpoints, and talk about a variety of topics.

In the classroom, teachers use a variety of methods. The conversational tone plays a big role. The way teachers behave in class discussions deviates significantly from the definition of discussion. As evidenced by the outcomes of the discussion in the classroom.

Two-Way Communication:

Discussion is a process of two-way communication and dialogue between the teacher and the learner.

In this approach, the teacher’s verbal or nonverbal feedback is of the utmost significance since it helps the students achieve the targeted learning outcomes.

If the lesson doesn’t go well, the student is told to put in more effort and present the information in a different way. 

Helpful for all members:

 Discussions are considered very important not only for students but also for teachers. It gives students an opportunity to explain their ideas. Facilitates logical examination and understanding of different points of view.

It not only ensures students’ participation in activities but also creates an atmosphere of reflection on important teaching points, creating understanding an understanding of new ideas and causing a change in the behavior of students.

Guidelines for improving the effectiveness of the discussion method

  1. Students and teachers should interact in a friendly environment where they may accept one another. Students should be free to express themselves without inhibition.
  2. The teacher must be completely knowledgeable about the subject being discussed and be ready for the discussion.
  3. Students must be ready to participate in discussions at a high level. In this regard, the teacher should plan teaching activities relating to the topic before the discussion so that the students can be completely prepared for the discussion, and students should be encouraged to participate in the discussion.
  4. Once there is sufficient time to complete the learning objective, the discussion activity should begin. In general, subject teaching goals for discussion involve gaining advanced skills.
  5. The discussion topic should be introduced by the teacher by writing it on the whiteboard.
  6. The teacher should devote enough time to thoroughly explain every topic while establishing a psychologically secure environment in the classroom.
  7. It is advisable to have several types of discussions.
  8. The teacher should summarize the entire conversation for the students when the discussion is finished, although it is preferable if a student does this.

Advantages of Discussion Method of Teaching

Leadership Quality:

       Students can develop this leadership quality through discussion, for example, if a school conducts student council elections, where each candidate can visit each class one at a time and gain votes for themselves through campaigning.

As it involves both challenging and delicate discussions at every stage, the competition will be a welcome opportunity to encourage the development of future leaders for the nation.

Expression Ability:-

       Ability is the capacity to perform a task. Similar to how different types of talents might arise from the discussion approach depending on the student’s intellectual capabilities and age especially. The teacher can determine their ability by doing this.

Students communicate with their classmates and teachers about their ideas and abilities.

Develops Study Habits:-

       If a teacher engages with the students in a nice manner and works to improve their study habits, they can be motivated to learn by employing the discussion method. If done, it has a significant impact on the entire discussion and develops virtuous educational habits.

Creative ability:-

        Students participate in debates and share their opinions as part of the discussion method used to initiate change, practically preparing their minds for the response that varied viewpoints would generate. You can fix challenges and find better solutions by using your creative thinking.

Problem-Solving Ability:-

       In the discussion method, a teacher provides a variety of problems to the class and invites each student to come up with a solution on their own. This helps pupils learn how to solve problems on their own.

Develop a democratic way of thinking:-

       The discussion approach is based on democratic principles, which instill democratic thinking in the students and provide them the freedom to express disagreement on any aspect of the topic being discussed in class.

Developing Communication Skills:

       Each student is allowed to participate in a discussion on the subject under the discussion method, which helps pupils improve their speaking and listening skills.

Enhance Your Motivation and Confidence:

        Through the discussion approach, pupils communicate with one another, which boosts their self-assurance and encourages them to take action and move forward to realize their objectives.   

Disadvantages of Discussion Method of Teaching

Time Consuming:

     The discussion method takes up a lot of time.

Irritating Topics:

   Because of the uninteresting topic and the student’s lack of engagement, the discussion frequently ends up being meaningless and confusing.

Avoid contributing to the discussion.

There are certain students who are unable to participate in class discussions, which has an impact on their academic performance.

Conflict among members:

         Conflicting viewpoints can frequently arise during a discussion, which could have an impact on the discussion’s central issue.

Pauses in Discussion:

       There are numerous minor and significant pauses in the discussion that disrupt its flow, forcing the teacher to step in at some point.

Failure to obtain the expected outcomes:

      When the discussion is unproductive or the desired results are not obtained, the teacher must deal with a lot of difficulties.

Pointless discussion:

       The talk frequently has no purpose because of the pupils’ immaturity and their misunderstanding of the suitors’ true backgrounds.

Discussion evaluation difficulty:

  The assessment of student engagement in the debate is another significant issue that teachers frequently encounter.

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