Types Of Signals In Computer Networks

Mobile phone use is increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, and utilizing them keeps us linked to one another. The signal is crucial to ensuring this connection.

We may understand by example. For instance, if Ali wants to text his friend Hamza, he first opens his mobile application, types the message, and then sends it to the friend’s number. Hamza then receives Ali’s message. In essence, the signal’s function was to deliver Ali’s message to Hamza.

That is, our data is moved from one location to another with the use of signals, whether it be a voice call, a video call, or other sorts of data like photographs and documents.

A signal is a specific kind of light wave that indicates data. Data is transported between locations through signals.

For data transfer, a communication channel is used. We use communication channels to send data and information from one location to another.

Types of Signal

The following are two different types of signals:

  • Analog Signal
  • Digital Signal
Types of Signal in Computer Networks

Analog Signal

Analog Signal
  • It is a never-ending wave that changes over time.
  • Continuously with time.
  • The wave flows through it and includes an endless number of values along its route as it travels from value “X” to value “Y.”

Digital Signal

Digital Signal
  • Digital signal = refers to discrete. There are a certain number of defined values that it can take, frequently just 1s and 0s.
  • A digital signal instantly switches from one value to another, much like turning on and off a light.

Period and Frequency

  • Unit of period= PIS (Period in seconds)
  • Seconds are used to describe time.
  • Frequency= NOC (No. of cycles)
  • Number of cycles that are finished in a second.
  • Period= AOT (Amount of time)

Counts the number of seconds it takes for a signal to go through one cycle. The length of time is measured in the communication sector using five units. Frequency is measured in Hertz, which has five different units.

  • Seconds=Hertz
  • Milliseconds=kilohertz
  • microseconds= megahertz
  • nanoseconds=Gigahertz

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